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Hair loss

Hair loss

Many women experience hair loss during their lifetime. When hair loss becomes visible or when hair loss gradually worsens, it occupies a lot in the consciousness of a particular woman. Hair is a big part of a woman's identity, and when we lose a large part of it, it means a change in our quality of life and self-image.

Hair is of great cosmetic importance and hair loss can be a great psychological burden. A wig or hair extensions are a natural choice these days if you want to look confident and feminine.


It is completely natural that an average of 50-100 hairs fall out per day. 

If you think that sounds like a lot, we can inform you that you have between 90,000 and 150,000 hairs on your head. The normal hair growth cycle is 3-8 years and this ensures that there is always new hair on the scalp. Individual hairs are in different phases of this cycle, and when these phases work, there is usually always full hair growth. 

Hair loss is therefore simply due to hair replacement when the hair cycle ends. However, if your scalp sheds more hair than it can grow, your hair loss becomes visible and you may need to take action. 

A lock of hair grows approx. 1 cm per month.


Hereditary female pattern hair loss is difficult to treat. Today, there are not many products that are documented and have effective and long-lasting results. Treatments tend to be long-term and require a certain amount of discipline to maintain.

 The most effective are drugs that are available in the form of preparations at the pharmacy. We can only offer relief in the form of special shampoos, tonics and serums.

Today, many women choose alternative hair to mask hair loss or thinning. A wig or women's toupee has gradually become a natural choice because it solves the problem immediately. Wig shop wigs are available in both synthetic and real hair.

Fiber hair wigs are easy to put on and are very stable as a hairstyle.

Human hair natural wigs give you the freedom to style and color as you would your own natural hair.

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